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Aurora Technologies Ltd.
Smart Solutions with Smart Cards
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Smart Card Projects
Time & Attendance Cards

Aurora Technologies has developed a simple, cheap and easy to use time and attendance unit (TAU). The TAU implements state-of-the-art smart card technology.  This project was carried out with the cooperation and support of Manpower International. 

The TAU system uses 3 types of cards: the Employee card stores the employee's incoming and outgoing transactions. The second card in use is the Supervisor card.  It is used for time and date modifications and for authorizing the entrance or exit registration of an employee. The third card type is the Accumulator card.  This card is used as a media for transporting stored transactions from the TAU unit to the data collection and processing PC.

Employee Card
1) Retains the employee daily incoming and outgoing transactions.
2) Includes entry and exit parameters.
3) Can stored 120 transactions - over one working month of information.
4) Transactions stored on the card can be read anytime and can be erased.
5) The card is personal. The card includes the ID number and the name of the employee.

Supervisor Card
1) The Supervisor Card is used to authorize entries and exits of employees.
2) The card is used to modified the TAU unit time and date.
3) The card is used to start the communication process between the unit and the outside world.
4) The card can be personal or anonymous.

Accumulator Card
1) This card is used for downloading transactions from the unit to the card memory, for transportation to the TAU System data processing PC.
2) Can store 488 transactions.
3) The card can be read later on and its contents (transactions) downloaded to the system PC.
4) The card can be personal or public.

see the TAU home page

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Manpower Israel


Manpower Company, Israel


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Aurora Technologies Ltd.

P.O.Box 388 Tirat Carmel 30200, Israel
Voice: +972 4 8576982 Fax: +972 4 8576983
[email protected]
